You Be the DJ
With EDM exploding, it's getting harder to find that one song you heard somewhere. And finding some great new ones or an old classic you forgot about or haven't heard yet, can be overwhelming to find. The DJ sites popping up can help you find great songs instead of having to shift though them yourself. You and people like you with real ears with tastes like yourself share what they love.
TT has radio stations you can listen to online and on your mobile devices. But you can jump on deck and share your favorite songs in all different genres. Note that most have strong restrictions when DJing. Either a 2 song limit or a que sign up to wait on line to DJ. You're given a number and when you're called up you can play. This site specializes in showcasing ORIGINAL WORK as well as from your favorite famous DJ. One amazing room is DJ Wooooo's House/Dance/Electro, usually packed to the gills it has the strictest rules to DJ in, but that's why they are always amazing. But great to leave on and just listen to. Many rooms have special events, showcasing new producers, or DJ battles. Each song you play in all the rooms are rated. If you play the wrong song for the wrong group, you will be escorted. You can pick out songs from your computer and upload or find it in the website's own database. Its fun to decorate your computer that shows up when you DJ. Somehow it knows if your on a phone, mac, or PC. Plus it has the cutest avatar choices.
Currently is only available on your desktop. You can view the website on a mobile device but can not play songs. Reason being it is more embellished. Unlike TurnTable, you can play music videos uploaded from youtube. You also can not upload from your computer, but you may upload sound-cloud files. This site doesn't have as many original producers on it, but a lot of admins ask you to play some if you are a producer. Its great to chat on this site, its more livelier than TurnTable. But TurnTable does have private chat windows making it easier to PM and create some interesting contacts. PlugDJ does have a PM message option but everything shows up in one bubble. You must use @(and their user name) to get someone's attention. Its a fun site that many prefer over "TT" (turntable). Its a great virtual party.
Have fun trying both sites out!